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How to Copy From Blogs that Have Disabled Right Click

Hello everyone, many of the people write their own content on her blogs but, there are so many peoples that they simply copy and paste form the one site to their blogs. 

Ok, some times you find some thing main on any site and you want to copy it, but you can't, most of the bloggers disable right click on their website to avoid copying their content. And they are right, because they do the hard work to collect the post and write them they get very angry when they see somebody has copied her content which they need hours to make it, and in the end they don’t  get credited

The mistake that those blogggers do is that they forget how some users need to copy a piece of code, a download link, etc. That’s why i am making this tutorial, to help any of you guys that need to copy something important from a site.

There are three ways to download the important material, So let's get Started:-


To disable the right click on a website you have to use javascript in most of the cases. So if we don’t allow sites to use javascript then you will be able to copy.
Go to Google Settings->Content->Check “Do not allow any site to run JavaScript”
Or just copy this URL chrome://settings/content and paste it on your browser.

As you can see in the picture.


Go to the page where you want to enable right click, and press Ctrl+P, it will open the print page, but here you will be able to use your right click.


Again go to the page where you want to enable right click, press Ctrl+U, this time Google will open the source of the page, just scroll down and you will find the one you are looking for.

Done you can choose any of them.

Note in your mind ;- Don’t misuse these tricks ,because the Publishers work hard to make a post, 

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